Talking Heads Presentation Mozart Lodge No 6997
W. Bro John Peters PGSoj, Metropolitan Grand Inspector reports
On 11th September 2021, members of the Metropolitan Grand Chapter ‘Talking Heads Team’ were on the road again, this time visiting Mozart Lodge No 6997, which was hosting the Metropolitan Grand Chapter playlet, ‘Talking Heads – The Next Step Into the Royal Arch’.
The Worshipful Master W Bro Daniel Saunders addressed the Brethren present and extended his warm welcome to representatives from the Talking Heads team.
Visitors from other Lodges, in particular those from Lodges within the Inspectorate, were also present, making up the impressive total of 39 attendees. The members present were spoilt by being offered a rehearsal of the Second Degree in addition to the Talking Heads Presentation.
After the welcome, the team started with the opening scene of two masons chatting in the anteroom as they don their regalia, after which they started engaging with the brethren present. The playlet depicts an encounter between an experienced Past Master, who is also a Royal Arch Companion, and a relatively new Master Mason, eager to learn more.
The presentation team for this evening’s performance were W Bro Peter Hayes PGStB (in the role of Narrator), W Bro Keith Johnson SLGR (in the role of a Past Master), W Bro Tony Hamilton SLGR (in the role of the Master Mason), the team was led by W Bro John Peters PGSoj Metropolitan Grand Inspector.
The playlet covered the history of the Order and explained a little about the regalia – especially the jewel that is also worn in Lodges. It also introduced some of the links with the Craft.
The presentation formed part of the Cluster Meeting organised by W Bro Andrew Imber PGStB, an SVO in Bro John’s Inspectorate, and was supported by the Lodge’s own Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Paul Brown PJGD, as Guest of Honour, together with Visiting Officer W Bro Diraj Shah SLGR. The Metropolitan team were escorted by W Bro Will Hale PAGDC, MetDepGDC, assisted by Metropolitan Grand Stewards W Bros Frederico Pessoa LGR and Mark Leung LGR.
This thirty-five-minute presentation is designed to whet the appetite of those not in the Holy Royal Arch. It leads them to consider the completion of their journey in Pure and Ancient Freemasonry by joining the Order, which is inextricably linked to Craft Masonry. The presentation covers the history of the Order and discusses the time and financial commitments involved in being a member.
The playlet proved to be absorbing and most informative, especially for those non-Chapter Members present and certainly raised awareness of the progress from The Craft into Royal Arch Masonry. Then followed a question and answer session and a further commentary at the Festive Board on other Royal Arch Awareness opportunities that exist, from Bro John Peters, who furnished those present with the latest Royal Arch flier entitled ‘Just One More Step: Into The Royal Arch’.
The first performances of the playlet were given in February 2011, and now Talking Heads Teams have presented on over two hundred occasions both in London and in Provinces throughout England and are available to present to all London Lodges. Those Lodges interested in receiving this enjoyable and informative presentation should contact W Bro Russell Woodland, Metropolitan Coordinator for this initiative, via Rosetta or their VO.
The Lodge meeting was a welcome return to regular Masonic meetings, and it was clear that all of the Brethren present thoroughly enjoyed themselves both in the temple and at the lively Festive Board, which was held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London – West End.