Bro William Halsey gives an update.
Since its successful launch more than eighteen months ago, the volume of content on Solomon has expanded and continues to increase across all of the modules.
As part of our mission to enable every member to use Solomon, the Learning & Development Team are increasing the quantity of interactive content available across the entire platform, from an interactive walk around the Lodge Room, complete with explanations of each Officer and their place in the Lodge, to an audiovisual guide of the Tracing Board and the meaning behind the symbolism.
Every member has their own style of learning and we want to ensure that everyone can use Solomon to get the most out their masonic journey and learn in the way that they want to. Many of the resources on Solomon can be accessed in a variety of ways; from downloading our Box Sets of audio files to listen to on another device or on the go, to viewing the famous Prestonian Lectures narrated by the lecturers themselves which are usually only delivered inside a Lodge room, followed by a Q&A with the Lecturer, to testing your knowledge with our interactive quizzes.
The introduction of the New User Group and the accompanying Webinars will also enable new users to utilise Solomon to its fullest potential and enable them to get the most from the platform. Solomon is the resource to feed that journey of discovery and understanding for everyone. Whether you are new to Freemasonry and are seeking a greater understanding of the ceremony that you have just experienced by reflecting on each stage of the ceremony, or you are seeking a deeper understanding of the symbolism.
Solomon is not just for individual learning, as more Lodges and Chapters utilise online resources in online gatherings, Solomon can provide the support for a broader programme of learning and development within Lodges and Chapters for:
• Lodges and Chapters and those within with an interest in sharing and broadening the understanding of their fellow members via Mentors and other groups
• Provincial Grand Lodges and Districts to help them share experience and deliver an effective programme of education at a Lodge and Chapter level
Solomon continues as a resource for the enjoyment and instruction of individual Brethren and as a supply of informative, credible material for use at virtual gatherings and classes of instruction and development. The Learning & Development Team continue to work relentlessly behind the scenes to upload new, interesting and dynamic material, in a variety of formats, to satisfy the requirements of our members and bring education back into the Lodge environment.
How to Register
Simply go to and fill in your details, once you have received the confirmation email Log in, select your first Module and Enrol. You can then begin your journey of Masonic learning and understanding.
A selection of interesting subjects found at
• Entered Apprentice: A Summary of Your Ceremony
• The Lodge Room
• Roles and Responsibilities in a Lodge
• Paper – Masonic Etiquette
• Paper – A Glossary
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 42 October 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 42.