Leading Lights
The launch of New Leading Lights is now well underway, and our initial focus is to support the ‘roll out’ of The Members’ Pathway by providing the ‘Inspiration’ and the ‘Masonpower’ to drive the four quadrants of The Members’ Pathway cycle of Lodge development.
In close association with The Members’ Pathway Team, Leading Lights is about to launch a series of face-to-face events, usually hosted by a Lodge, that will provide an ideal opportunity to meet other Leading Lights and also hear about the latest news and developments from The Members’ Pathway Team. There will also be a chance to ask them questions. Of course, there will be an enjoyable social event afterwards where we can share ideas and network.
Leading Lights revisits Epworth Lodge 6 months on from their last Arena Article (46) to see how things are going. Lodge Secretary WBro Vaughn Barzey is pleased to report as follows…..
‘Since our last article in Arena 46, we have been very busy. In September 2021, we conducted a second degree, followed by our installation in October. However, at our November meeting, we initiated five (yes 5) candidates……now that was some going. December went with just our usual regular meeting, but we were pleased to welcome VW Bro Jonathan Hillman PGSwdB AMetGM and W Bro Huw Pritchard SLGR (recently appointed as MetGInsp).On March 22nd 2022, we completed a double second.
‘In October, our newly installed Master W Bro Punit Mehta (having only been in masonry for just four years) had only five weeks to prepare himself to initiate five candidates by dispensation. It was his idea that every member of the Lodge should be a personal mentor to another member.
We also utilise visiting as a very useful tool in our mentoring toolbox. We have found that the younger brothers learn so much by being at a meeting in another Lodge and observing while at the same time having more senior brothers at their side to explain and answer any queries.’
‘Epworth Lodge answered the call for assistance from other Lodges at the time when many Lodges –including Epworth- had difficulties in members attending meetings due to the pandemic. We responded positively to a call from Guyana Lodge No 9626 to cover some offices at their meeting in early November, and they agreed to raise our FC. Word got around that Epworth was willing to assist in the ceremonies, and since then, we have assisted Alfred Newton Lodge No 2686 and Whittington Lodge No 862. We have found that visiting as a group has complemented our policy of mentoring and, in particular, keeping all our members interested and engaged. Some offices that we’ve covered on various occasions while visiting are Secretary, Organist, IG, JW, and SW.
One of our goals is to make our meetings enjoyable and fun to attend for all. I am pleased to report that we have progressed a very long way toward achieving this objective. The proof of the pudding, in this case, is the genuine expression by visitors of their eagerness to revisit at subsequent meetings. We are also proud to invite our guests to Mark Mason’s Hall (where we meet and dine). The ambience and quality of the meals have ensured an excellent all-round Masonic experience. It is so important to ensure that the festive board is affordable to all but remain of a good standard.’
Leading Lights is delighted to introduce another London Lodge which is about to embark on its Members’ Pathway journey…
Lodge of Endeavour for Norwood Ravenswood No 5506 is based at Harrow District Masonic Centre. It is a small, friendly and vibrant Lodge with some 24 members that was founded in 1933. The Lodge was named after the British entry to America’s Cup for that year. The word Endeavour was in itself both meaningful and expressive of the determination by the Founders to form a Lodge which would be a credit to the Craft and its charitable institutions. Hence the beautifully designed emblem of the sailing ship and the craft insignia are interwoven.
At a very recent Zoom Strategy Meeting held with The Leading Lights of the Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Lewis Bloch, it was clear that whilst a relatively successful Lodge, they felt that they needed to take action now so as to avoid a slow and steady decline over the next few years. They realised that they did have a good Masonic product and were keen to ATTRACT new members.
Leading Lights will be assisting them closely over the next few months to develop a realistic and workable PLAN, and we will be bringing you regular updates as to how they are getting on. One suggestion made by VW Bro Jonathan Hillman (at the Zoom Meeting) was to consider hosting a group meeting for the 9 London Lodges who meet at Harrow in early September. This will be an ideal opportunity to ‘showcase’ the Lodge and also for everyone to receive a presentation on the Members’ Pathway. More to follow….
Bowes Park Lodge No 3119 and the Lodge of Faith & Friendship (Sialia) No 7326 are working together as New Leading Lights should.
On January 29th 2022, the Lodge of Faith and Friendship (Sialia, aka the Twitterati Lodge) and one of MetGL’s Special Interest Lodges came to the rescue of their pals in Bowes Park Lodge 3119. Bowes Park Lodge has four Entered Apprentices to pass in 2022 but only has enough meetings in the year to pass two. To stop two of the new EA’s having to wait over a year to be passed, WBro Mark Schito, Secretary of Bowes Park Lodge, approached his pals in the Lodge of Faith and Friendship to see if they could assist. The WM of Faith and Friendship, WBro Mark Burstow, kindly agreed, and he set their January 2022 Lodge meeting over to the passing two of the EAs for Bowes Park.
Unfortunately, a couple of days before the meeting W Bro Mark Burstow tested positive for COVID and could not attend the meeting. In steps the Faith & Friendship DC, W Bro Stephen Wigmore, who ably took the Chair and passed both the brethren and even did the 2nd degree tracing board. The WM and several brethren from Bowes Park attended the meeting along with other visitors; a wonderful meeting was had by all. Including a very musical festive board at Trattoria Verde where visitors W Bro Mark Pearce and W Bro Mark Schito gave a stirring rendition of Volare, much to the surprise of the Italian Staff and applause of the brethren present. Super to see two Lodges having fun and supporting each other so well; #newleadinglights #metgl #specialinterestlodges
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